Webinar: Handover & instruction of the ventilation units

This webinar is about how to optimally hand over the ventilation system to the user.
Mr. Merscher, our Technical Manager, will go through the following topics with you together with Dr. Daniel Scherz, the expert and speaker on sustainability in the construction and energy sector:
- To inform the user about the various settings and control options
- Cleaning the ventilation units correctly
- Correct handover of documents and (legally) important information on the use, care and maintenance of ventilation units
This seminar is recognized with two continuing education points in accordance with § 6 of the continuing education statutes of the Lower Saxony Chamber of Engineers.
We have compiled valuable information especially for all persons who carry out a handover with the user to ensure smooth and correct use of the ventilation units by the user.
We look forward to seeing you.
Your LUNOS team