Webinar: Consultations & contracts for home ventilation systems

In this webinar, you will learn all about consultations and contracts relating to home ventilation systems.

We cordially invite you to take part in our webinar and find out everything you need to know about successful consultations and the optimal design of contracts in the field of home ventilation systems.

This seminar is recognized by the Lower Saxony Chamber of Engineers and the Brandenburg Chamber of Architects with two further education points.

Michael Merscher, Technical Director at LUNOS, and Dr. Daniel Scherz, a respected expert and speaker on sustainability in the construction and energy sector, will provide you with exciting insights into these topics.

Topics of the webinar:

  • Confident consultations: How do you conduct competent and convincing discussions about home ventilation?
  • Questions and answers: Which questions are useful and how do you formulate well-founded answers?
  • Contractual agreements: Drafting optimal contract content and indispensable elements.
  • Recognizing stumbling blocks: Where are challenges lurking and how can they be overcome?
  • Additional digression: Insights into relevant standards and practical aspects for everyday working life.

Goal of the webinar:
We present legally compliant and practice-oriented solutions that you can apply directly in your daily work.

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We look forward to seeing you!
Your LUNOS team

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